Sometimes living next door to or near a dog or cat can be problematic.
Generally, in order to make a complaint about a dog or cat’s behaviour, the problem must be persistent and unreasonable.
It is always best to try to resolve an issue about a dog or cat with the owner before making a complaint to your Council. Discuss your concerns with your neighbour in a friendly way. Many people don’t know their animal is being a nuisance.
Dogs that bark excessively can be a source of great irritation for surrounding neighbours. Dogs bark for a reason and there are many ways that excessive barking can be managed.
Before reporting a barking dog
Before reporting a dog that barks loudly and frequently, Council recommends contacting the owner. Discussing the issue in a polite and neighbourly manner can often resolve the issue, as:
- They may not realise the barking is a nuisance to neighbours
- They may not be home when the dog is barking
- They may be a sound sleeper and does not hear the dog barking
Alternatively, if you are not comfortable speaking with your neighbour, you may provide them with the Dear Neighbour Letter contained in the step-by-step guide for dealing with barking dogs below.
Step by step guide for dealing with a barking dog(PDF, 425KB)
How do I report a barking dog?
In order for Council to investigate a barking dog complaint, you will need to:
- Identify exactly where the barking is coming from
- Record the barking occurrences in the ‘barking dog diary‘(PDF, 425KB) over a period of 14 days
- Make a complaint to Council and inform us if you have spoken with your neighbour
Report an animal issue
What happens next?
Once you have made your initial report to Council regarding the barking dog issue, an Authorised Officer from the Regulatory Service Department will make contact with the owner of the dog to make them aware that there has been a barking dog noise complaint.
If you do not provide Council with the barking dog diary, we may not be able to assist any further. Council requires the diary containing the detailed information to determine the level of barking.
Animal owners are legally required to keep their animals confined to their property. Wandering and roaming animals may cause a nuisance to people in the community, who have a right to live without interference or risks from other people’s pets.
Report wandering animals or livestock
Cat traps
Owned or unowned cats found to be trespassing at any time may be trapped. Cat traps are available for loan to assist residents in the control of nuisance and feral cats in their neighbourhood.
Request to loan a cat trap Request to have cat trap collected
If you see injured or orphaned native animals such as kangaroos, possums, lizards and snakes etc. on roads or in public areas contact your local vet or any of the following services.
Wildlife Rescue Australia
Wildlife Rescue Australia is a non-profit voluntary organisation providing a 24 hour call centre to report a sick, injured or orphaned animals.
Phone: 1300 596 457
Website: Wildlife Rescue Australia
Help For Wildlife
Help for Wildlife is a 24 hour statewide emergency service and is a voluntary, non-profit organisation established to assist with distressed wildlife on all levels.
Phone: 0477 555 611
Website: Help For Wildlife
Wildlife Victoria
Wildlife Victoria responds to calls through the emergency phone service when you report a sick, injured or orphaned animal. They use a comprehensive database to locate the nearest available and suitably experienced volunteer who then locates the animal and determines the most appropriate course of action.
Phone: 1300 094 535
Website: Wildlife Victoria
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
Phone: 136 186
Website: Sick injured or orphaned wildlife
While the majority of people who own or interact with animals treat them humanely and comply with agreed animal welfare standards, there are instances where this is not the case and an investigation is needed to identify whether a breach of the legislation has occurred.
If you have concerns about animal welfare let us know.
Report an animal issue the Council
For more information visit Report animal cruelty (Animal Welfare Victoria)