Council set to transform the Heart of Swan Hill
Published on 06 June 2024
Swan Hill Rural City Council is pleased to announce they have successfully secured $650,000 of Federal Government funding for the 'Transforming the Heart of Swan Hill Precinct' project.
Council’s Mayor, Cr Stuart King said the project marked a significant step forward in Council’s efforts to shape the future of the broader city centre of Swan Hill.
“As per the funding criteria this is a planning project rather than actual works. It is rare to secure funding for this type of strategic work making it even more significant.”
“This initiative is set to plan the revitalisation and connection of a network of key central precincts in Swan Hill, creating a dynamic and modern environment conducive to living, working, visiting, and investing.
“The project will build upon the existing strengths of Swan Hill, as a regional centre, and facilitate the transformation of the city through an all-inclusive masterplan including urban design.
“This forms part of a suite of strategic projects being undertaken by Council and underscores our commitment to fostering sustainable growth, community well-being, and economic prosperity,” Cr King said.
Cr King said the project was aimed at planning for Swan Hill's long-term future up to and beyond 2050 and would see the rejuvenation of various zones including the CBD retail precinct, CBD to river connections, the broader city centre including the health services and recreation precincts and review key potential urban development sites.
“The project will include, detailed investigations, consultation, planning and comprehensive designs that would ultimately advance preferred elements to funding and construction phases,” Cr King said.
“By harnessing the collective wisdom of stakeholders and community members, Swan Hill is poised to emerge as a vibrant and thriving hub for generations to come.
“This is about setting us up for the future as a key regional centre for North West Victoria and Southern New South Wales,” Cr King said.
For more information, please contact Council on 5036 2333.