Asbestos is the name given to a group of naturally occurring minerals found in rock formations. They are made up of fine, durable fibres that are strong and heat resistant.
Asbestos is often identified when older buildings (generally before mid 80’s) are demolished and must be handled correctly to avoid exposure.
Further information on where asbestos can be found in your home, asbestos related diseases and the ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ on handling asbestos material can be found on: ASBESTOS; A guide for householders and the general public.
Further information and advice on asbestos
On your neighbour's land
If you are concerned about asbestos removal on a neighbouring property, we recommend (where possible) you first speak to the owner of the property and direct them to this page for information. If the property owner doesn't take any action to address the problem, you can contact Council for further advice.
On Council Land
If you are concerned about any asbestos located on Council land that may have become damaged or deteriorated please contact Council for further advice.