Quotes and tenders

Council buys goods, works and services using an invitation to supply. Invitations to supply may be through:

  • invitation to tenders
  • request for proposals
  • expression of interest
  • requests for quote
  • selection from an internal Council pane
  • selection from external panels such as Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), Procurement Australia, Victorian state registers and purchase contracts

Current opportunities

Council uses VendorPanel, an online procurement platform, to invite suppliers to submit tenders, quotes and other purchasing requirements.

To view details of current tenders and get notified about future opportunities, you must register as a supplier in VendorPanel.

View current opportunities on VendorPanel

Register as a Supplier

We encourage current and potential suppliers of goods and services to register as a supplier on VendorPanel.

As a registered supplier you can use the portal to:

  • view details of current invitations to supply
  • get notified about future opportunities
  • respond to invitations

VendorPanel is free for suppliers. Once registered your business profile will be visible for buyers searching for your goods and services.

Register for VendorPanel

Step 1.Identify your business’s primary contact

Select a suitable email address. We suggest using a generic business email address such as admin@company.com.au, which is regularly monitored. Once established, you can add individual users to assist in managing and responding to opportunities.

Step 2.Visit VendorPanel Marketplace

Go to www.vendorpanel.com.au/marketplace

Step 3.Select categories

Search and select the best category for your business

Step 4.Validate your account

Click on the link you receive via email to complete your profile

Step 5.Invite colleagues

Invite additional users as 'colleagues' to assist management of requests. 

Working with us

Where can I find information on opportunities to quote or tender?

All current and past tender opportunities are advertised on Council’s website and VendorPanel.

Future opportunities are detailed in Council’s annual procurement activity plan on Council’s website. This details what Council intends to buy during the year.

How can I get on your preferred supplier list?

All preferred supplier arrangements must go through a formal tender process. If you submit a tender and are successful, you will be placed on the preferred supplier list.

We may only establish a preferred supplier arrangement if we need the goods or services in large volumes or on a frequent basis.

What will the invitation to supply documents contain?

Components of the invitation documents include conditions of the invitation, specification, contract and response schedules.

The usual sequence for a tender documents is:

  • Part A – Conditions of tendering
  • Part B – Specification
  • Part C – Contract
  • Part D – Occupational Health and Safety requirements
  • Part E – Response schedules

How offers are evaluated?

Offers are evaluated on several factors. Evaluation criteria are usually weighted in accordance with the requirements of the contract.

The evaluation criteria is set out in the invitation to supply document. But as a rule, evaluation is typically based on:

  • Price, including whole of life costs
  • Track record - experience with work of a similar nature, scale, cost and complexity
  • Capacity and resources available to deliver the project
  • Methodology/Program on how the project objectives will be accomplished
  • Social and local economic benefit
  • Environmental benefit
  • Compliance with mandatory criteria such as minimum level of insurance cover, Occupational Health and Safety systems, relevant Trade Registration or Licence.

What are the time periods during the invitation to supply process?

The length of time it takes to complete the procurement process depends on how complex it is. A timeline is included in the invitation to supply documents.

How do I ask questions about an invitation to supply?

If you’re responding to an invitation to supply, you can ask Council any questions about the documents during the allocated questions period.

Council includes details in the invitation to supply document about asking questions, including:

  • a contact person
  • how to contact them
  • a deadline for submitting questions

Unless your question includes commercially sensitive information, Council will make the question and answer available to all suppliers.

Do I have to answer every question in the response schedule?

Yes you must try to answer every question in the response schedule.

Response schedules provide much of the evidence and information required to evaluate offers against the stated evaluation criteria.

What are the terms and conditions for supply of goods and services?

You can find all terms and conditions of the goods and services procurement in the invitation to supply documents.

If there are none, Council’s Terms and conditions of purchase(PDF, 17KB) apply.

My offer was not successful. Can I get feedback on my submission?

All suppliers will be notified of the outcome of their offer at the earliest opportunity via VendorPanel.

When the contract begins, if you’re unsuccessful we encourage you to ask for feedback on your submission.