Council Acknowledges Local Government Funding Report

Published on 11 December 2024

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Swan Hill Rural City Council acknowledges the findings of the Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee's final report on local government funding and services in Victoria, following Council’s presentation to the Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee Public Hearing, in August 2024.

Council’s Mayor Cr Stuart King said the committee was investigating local government funding and service delivery and Council has taken the opportunity to advocate for necessary improvements to ensure that our region was better supported to deliver adequate services to meet the needs of our communities.

“We were pleased that the report highlighted several key items impacting our municipality, including cost shifting from state and federal governments, the effectiveness of service delivery, the sustainability of current revenue structures, and potential alternative funding models,” Cr King said.

Council’s Director Corporate Services Bhan Pratap said Council was committed to reviewing the report's recommendations and working collaboratively with state and federal governments to address the financial challenges and enhance service delivery for our community.

To review the report please click here.